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Pro Tools 10.3.4リリース
Pro Toolsの10.3.4がリリースされました。下記のバグフィックスの含まれたバージョンとなります。10.3へバージョンアップをされたお客様はご利用頂ますようお願いいたします。
Pro Tools 10.3.4 情報&ダウンロード
Pro Tools/Pro Tools HD 10.3.3 はフル・インストーラーです。古いバージョンのPro Toolsを事前にアンインストールしたうえで、Pro Tools 10.3.3 のインストールをお願いします。
Pro Tools 10.xとPro Tools HD 10.xのインストーラーは同一となります。インストーラーに違いはありませんが、オーソライズ時にソフトウェアを識別します。
インストール方法の詳細は Pro Tools 10.3 インストールガイド(各国語版) の日本語ページをご参照ください。
Issues Resolved in Pro Tools 10.3.4
- On Mac OS X 10.8.x (Mountain Lion), when editing automation, clip gain, or non-note MIDI data, the current value is displayed in a small box immediately upon first mouse click. (PTSW-170014)
- The Start Time field in the Edit and Transport windows now correctly accepts direct numerical entry. (PTSW-170975)
- Audio files can be now be exported as MXF. (PTSW-176177)
- Pro Tools now stops playback of an Edit window selection on the exact last sample of a selection. (PTSW-168043)
- Automation breakpoints selected in the Edit window can be nudged using key commands. (PTSW-174358)
- Automation editing improvements when trimming regions over each other. (PTSW-177435)
- Glide commands now work as described in the Pro Tools Reference Guide. (PTSW-174715, PTSW-177859)
- Automation breakpoints are no longer incorrectly deleted during sample rate conversion. (PTSW-174707)
- MIDI Time Code (MTC) is now correctly received by Pro Tools. (PTSW-174898)
- With Pro Tools HDX, mute states work as expected after scrubbing. (PTSW-172240)
- On HDX systems with 3 HDX cards, system delays are properly updated after a sample rate change. (PTSW-169477)
- With the AudioSuite version of the Fairchild 670 plug-in, when previewing in mono mode, the right channel now plays audio.(PTSW-173018)
- An error resulting in an “FF_PacketStream” dialog when doing a time base conversion (ticks to/from samples) of an Elastic Audio track is fixed. (PTSW-173167)
- Rhythmic algorithm accuracy improved when extreme compression/expansion settings exist on an Elastic Audio track.(PTSW-177009)
- When using drag and drop to import audio, if a cloned audio file (one duplicated outside of Pro Tools) is imported, an alert isposted which gives a choice between restamping a Unique ID to the clone, or redirecting to the original file. (PTSW-163654)
- Removed an unnecessary Unique ID stamping dialog when making a copy of a file using the Import Audio command.Timeline disk caching trigger is improved. (PTSW-176778)